Join Us

If you support our mission to connect local musicians and artisans with their community, there are several ways you can get involved!


I’m a Local Business / Organization — How Can I Get Involved?

Become a Sponsor

Your monetary support will help our event be an amazing experience for the local community. Depending on your level of sponsorship, your organization information will be represented in our promotional material, social media, and to the festival attendees. Fill out the form below to get started.

Sponsor Opportunities (pdf)


Make your Sponsorship contribution now:



I’m a Local Artisan — How Can I Get Involved?

Become a Vendor

Set up a display booth and sell or show off your art, goods, and services. In addition to an event display, Vendors will have their logo, a bio, and website / social media links listed on our Artisan page, all for a small setup fee. Fill out the form below to get started.



I’m a Sound Engineer / Stage Technician — How Can I Get Involved?

Become a Technical Volunteer

Help our sound engineers with the challenge of running performance stages all day. We will schedule a discussion to learn about your technical skills and your specific interest in our event. Qualified volunteers get free event admission, plus other perks! Fill out the form below to get started.

Click here for other volunteer opportunities.



I Have a Different Way I Would Like To Get Involved!

Become a Partner

We would love to hear your ideas! Become a Partner and add something unique to the Ele-Fest event in support of our mission and values. Fill out the form below to get started.


Please complete the form below